Is that Mary Cassatt's Letter print and the actual desk that she owned? Why yes it is!

Asher Brown Durand's Ariadne (OG Painting). Isn't it nice that the general museum goer gets to see different states? Something for the nerds that educates the general public to our processes is good by me.

The period rooms have reproductions (and by repros, I mean digital copies of original prints) of things like maps, The Enraged Musician, the Oath of the Horatii, and other classics from each era.

Decorative chrysanthemums paper from an unidentified artist. Lovely.

Double Arthur Wesley Dow works.

Fireworks over the River Thames and Whitehall in 1685 from an anonymous artist. Printed for King James II's coronation.

Strange moment here. Behind me was the small version of Watson and the Shark from Copley. In front of me is an oil copy from Henry Sargent and a mezzotint from Valentine Green. Both are copies, but maybe the general audience is going to say that the print is somehow more a copy? Even weirder, is the little copy behind me the original, or are there multiple originals? Print nerds care about strange things....
A ton of interesting print nerd things at the MFA. Will be processing that info soon for printeresting.